Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Word and Conversation

  Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers,

in word,

in conversation. . .

 1 Timothy 4:12

We looked at the first part of this verse yesterday. Now let's take a look at the first two ways we are supposed to be examples in.

In word

The Greek word means thoughts and speech. Ways we communicate. That is also going to cover our writing. It's easy to let our thoughts, daydreams, imaginations, and such go anywhere they please because no one will see them. Or will they? I have found that my thoughts and daydreams affect my attitude which in turn affects my actions and my speech. When we fill our minds with "if only" and "I can't" or "not fair" don't you think that will affect those around us? Yes! It will affect how and what we say. It might even affect our writing.
We are probably more careful about our writing because others are–hopefully–going to be reading it. But still, let's make sure what we write honors our King.

In conversation

The Greek word means behavior. How we act, dress, conduct ourselves. You've heard the saying "Actions speak louder than words." It's true. You may have wonderful speech, and always say the right things, but if your actions don't match, people aren't going to pay attention to what you say. They are going to watch your shrug of the shoulders, the toss of your head, the annoyed expression you get when a younger sibling interrupts you or you mom calls you.

I want to challenge you, and myself, today to watch our words and our behavior. Are we being examples that others will see Christ? Or are we the same as everyone else?

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