Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Not By Might

"'Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the Lord of hosts." - Zechariah 4:6

Do you ever feel like you don't have the strength to accomplish what's been put in front of you? Maybe it's a project or a task that's sapping all your energy. Maybe it's an emotional or spiritual struggle that seems to have no end in sight. Maybe it's just making it through another day in the shadow of grief or depression or chronic illness.

Have you ever told the Lord, "I can't do this"? Or "I'm not strong enough"? Or "I can't take any more"? I know I have. So many times, in so many ways, my strength has not been enough to get me through even the ordinary trials of life.

When that happens, do you berate yourself for your weakness? I know I have. I look around at those who seem to have their lives together and wonder why I can't do it when they can. Or I look at those with heavier burdens than my own and feel ashamed that I can't carry even this much weight without asking for help.

But sisters, do you realize that God is glorified in our weakness? The less we can accomplish in our own strength, the more His power is able to shine. In fact, the more we rely on our own strength, the less opportunity we are giving God to glorify Himself in our lives.

Does that mean I stay lying in bed and expect God to miraculously stand me up and walk me into the kitchen to do the dishes? Of course not. But it means that rather than trying to work up my own willpower--or berating myself when I can't--I ask for and wait on and rest in God's strength. It means that rather than hanging my head when my strength has failed yet again, I bring the problem to my loving Father, knowing that He will be glorified even more through my weakness. And it means that when God calls me to something that I know I can't accomplish in myself, I step forward with confidence, knowing that He will make a way.

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